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Boiler on wood with shower

Boiler on wood with shower

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Volume: 80 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Thickness of the sheet metal of the water container: 1.5 millimetrs

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Thickness of the sheet metal of the stove: 2 millimetrs

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stove with bricks: (can be without if desired)

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Anti-corrosion protection

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Color: blue

mdi-lightbulb Others like this Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click

Boiler on wood with shower, 80 liters volume. A variant of the Bulgarian Tusima model with blue container. It comes with a mixing shower battery and it is used for hot bath. This boiler is made of thick heat-resistant steel, which allows it to work with coal as well. Stove is with fireclay bricks. You can install a shower with a flexible connection and a mixing battery of your choice. As a manufacturer of wood boilers and stoves for over 25 years, we have increased the durability of our products while keeping prices low. Developed with heat-resistant steel, our boilers also have anti-corrosion protection. We ensure durability with reinforced insulation between the container and the stove. Stoves with bricks make the whole product a little more expensive, therefore, for a lower price, at the request of the buyer, we also offer without bricks. Tusima's classic model - a wood-fired kettle, is one of the first prototypes of the company, which has established itself in the market environment. Recently, we also produce the water container in blue color. Our best selling wood boiler model for local use.

Boiler on wood with shower

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Volume: 80 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Thickness of the sheet metal of the water container: 1.5 millimetrs

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Thickness of the sheet metal of the stove: 2 millimetrs

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stove with bricks: (can be without if desired)

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Anti-corrosion protection

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Color: blue

Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click mdi-lightbulb Others like this

Boiler on wood with shower, 80 liters volume. A variant of the Bulgarian Tusima model with blue container. It comes with a mixing shower battery and it is used for hot bath. This boiler is made of thick heat-resistant steel, which allows it to work with coal as well. Stove is with fireclay bricks. You can install a shower with a flexible connection and a mixing battery of your choice. As a manufacturer of wood boilers and stoves for over 25 years, we have increased the durability of our products while keeping prices low. Developed with heat-resistant steel, our boilers also have anti-corrosion protection. We ensure durability with reinforced insulation between the container and the stove. Stoves with bricks make the whole product a little more expensive, therefore, for a lower price, at the request of the buyer, we also offer without bricks. Tusima's classic model - a wood-fired kettle, is one of the first prototypes of the company, which has established itself in the market environment. Recently, we also produce the water container in blue color. Our best selling wood boiler model for local use.

Boiler on wood with shower - boiler-on-wood-blue-80-liters Boiler on wood with shower - boiler-na-darva-sin
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